Shags had been adopted from the Cat Shack in 2006 when he was slightly overweight. He was recently returned weighing 30 pounds. He's really friendly, and loves being groomed. He gets along with other cats, and mainly likes to relax and rest. We've moved him onto a weight control diet and ave been trying to increase his activity level.

Abigail is a recent mommy of 5 kittens. She is very friendly and gets along well with people, children, and other cats.

Ash and Little Boy were adopted together! Happy day for them and their new family! :) Ash is a sweet little thing who has just started coming out of his shell. He's been shy so far and mostly following his instinct to hide, but at his first adoption day, he started coming to the side of the cage and letting people pet him. Click for more information!

Shags had been adopted from the Cat Shack in 2006 when he was slightly overweight. He was recently returned weighing 30 pounds. He's really friendly, and loves being groomed. He gets along with other cats, and mainly likes to relax and rest. We've moved him onto a weight control diet and ave been trying to increase his activity level.
Social Work
KittyMaille believes in helping those who need, and here in the Lehigh Valley, as in many other places, there is a large feline population in the wild as well as a large portion currently in homes where the environment is not conducive to healthy emotional growth of the entire family unit.

KittyMaille has been working with a local feline rescue group - The Cat Shack to help save felines in undesirable circumstances. In addition to monetary help, in May of 2013, KittyMaille opened our home to foster cats and kittens. We are currently fostering 5 kittens and 2 cat. These cats are up for adoption through The Cat Shack.
KittyMaille has already helped 7 kittens and 1 cat find their forever home!